Power Supply Linear Board


One of the two PSU boards, seems to be linear supplies for all the lower-current rails.

One of the two PSU boards, seems to be linear supplies for all the lower-current rails.



  1. Type: 19-pin AMP Metrimate
  2. Use: AC input voltages from transformer and line into PSU
  3. From: Transformer and harness from Power Distribution Board
  4. Pinout:
    1. To F1 Bottom (Sec. A 60VAC)
    2. To F2 Bottom (Sec. A 60VAC)
    3. To F3 Bottom (Sec. B 30VAC)
    4. To F4 Bottom (Sec. B 30VAC)
    5. To F5 Bottom (Sec. C 20VAC)
    6. To F6 Bottom (Sec. C 20VAC)
    7. To C2 + (Sec. C center tap)
    8. GND
    9. GND
    10. N/C
    11. Chassis Earth
    12. N/C ?
    13. 120VAC to Fan and J4-7
    14. N/C ?
    15. 120VAC to Fan and J4-1
    16. N/C ?
    17. N/C ?
    18. N/C ?
    19. To Thermal Cutout


  • Type: 2×3 Molex MLX
  • Use: Power output
  • From: TBD
  • Pinout:
    1. +12VDC Out
    2. GND
    3. -12VDC Out
    4. GND
    5. GND
    6. -5.2VDC Out


  • Type: 3×3 Molex MLX
  • Use: Power output
  • From: TBD
  • Pinout:
    1. -5.2VDC Out
    2. -5.2VDC Out
    3. To J4-5 (+5VDC Out?)
    4. +24VDC Out
    5. +24VDC Out
    6. N/C
    7. GND
    8. GND
    9. GND


  • Type: 3×3 Molex MLX
  • Use: Power I/O between Linear Board and Switcher Board
  • From: Switcher Board J1
  • Pinout:
    1. 120VAC from J1-15
    2. To Case (collector?) of Q10
    3. +5.2VDC
    4. To Thermal Cutout
    5. To J3-3 (+5VDC in from switcher board?)
    6. GND
    7. 120VAC from J1-13
    8. N/C ?
    9. To Case (collector?) of Q5

One Response to “Power Supply Linear Board”

  1. […] low voltage rails! I’ve documented all the pinouts that I’ve identified so far in the documentation section of this […]

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